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AGM 2019 Changes to Constitution and Tenants' Handbook



Changes to the APAA Constitution

The Committee proposes the following amendments to Section E Membership

3. Membership normally ceases when a tenancy is terminated. However, the Committee may award Honorary Membership to an ex-tenant who continues to serve the association e.g. by helping in the allotments shop or cafe.
An Honorary Membership is awarded for a one year term, reviewed annually.

4. Honorary members are entitled to vote at General Meetings of the Association.


Changes to the Tenants' Handbook

The Committee has agreed to put to the AGM three proposed amendments to the Local Rules published in the APAA Tenants' Handbook. These are shown below and have been circulated to tenants.

The Committee proposes to add:

6. Maintenance of plot perimeters

6.4 No items or materials should be leaned against boundary fences, in order to prevent damage and permit inspection or repair.

6.5 In order to allow access for delivery vehicles, especially deliveries of stock to the Allotments Shop, tenants with plots alongside the site road must ensure that their plot is kept free of any obstacle (hedge, shed, steps, stored equipment, etc.) within 50 cm of the site road. Tenants with plots immediately below the site road must not damage existing retaining walls or cultivate within a metre of the roadside. This is to ensure that the road is properly supported and its edge does not collapse.

16. Wildlife

16.4 If you're thinking of creating a small pond on your designated plot, get in touch with the Site Secretary to discuss it before starting work. See pond guidelines in Appendix 1.

New Section 17 Alterations to your plot

1 Any structural work on your plot should be discussed in advance with the Site Secretary, whose permission is required for work to proceed. This includes e.g. terracing the soil on slopes, erecting a shed or greenhouse, planting a new boundary hedge or substantially reducing the height of an existing boundary hedge, or erecting a wall or trellis on a plot boundary. Structural work should also be discussed in advance with any plot neighbour who may be affected.
2 If any tenant contracts for a company or person to work on the plot, full responsibility for the work done remains with the plot tenant. Contracted work must not require access to a neighbour's plot unless that neighbour gives written permission first.

Appendix 1

1. If you're thinking of creating a small pond on your designated plot, get in touch with the Site Secretary to discuss it before starting work.

2. Ponds are not allowed along the back of Grove Lodge Meadow, under the row of oak trees. Here the ancient hedgerow area beside the common path may only be used to build sheds and compost green waste.

3. The main concerns when making a pond are its safety, depth, size and hedgehogs.
- Safety - not close to paths, and think about wandering small children.
- Depth - "Froglife" say 10 cm (4 inches) is deep enough for frogs. The RHS say that it doesn't particularly matter if a pond dries down to sludge in summer like many natural ponds.
- Size - it doesn't need to be big - even a washing up bowl size pond will provide some water habitat.
- Hedgehogs - we're proud to have a good population in some years - almost unique in London. Unfortunately, they do fall into ponds, so provide shallow edges or an escape route like a piece of wood.

4. The plot won't always be yours. You'll get more than enough depth by digging down 15 cm (6 inches) and heaping the spoil around the edge. DO NOT dig up the sub-soil clag, as spreading this around your plot spoils the soil for both you and future plot-holders. If you keep the top soil heaped around your pond, then a future plot-holder who doesn't want a pond can simply push the soil back to where it was.



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