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AGM 2014 Bee report

Ally Pally Allotments Association 

AGM 2014


Here is a short report from our bee plot, the Haringey Teaching Apiary.


Haringey Teaching Association


This year we ran a class with three students focusing on keeping a hive and responsible bee keeping.

The apiary started with six hives. There are now four due to the disease, European Foul Brood which resulted in our destroying two hives. Three of the remaining are doing well. However the standstill order remains in site and no further hives are to be set up on the allotment site. The borough bee officer voiced a concern in the bee keeping world that people are taking a hive on without enough knowledge and experience.

The relatively mild, but wet winter as usual plays some havoc with the bee cycle and copious amounts of sugar solution was fed to the bees alongside more intense products.

We are working towards building a slightly larger, more protective fence.

We would encourage all would be beekeepers to train first and volunteer after to avoid enthusiastically taking something on that needs, apart from a healthy budget, time, experience and expertise.

Our beginners one ts class year runs from January to September and consists of three classroom lessons and sixteen practical sessions on a Sunday morning. If you are interested for 2015, please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The only thing to add is that we harvested 40lbs of honey last year.

Sara Leviten





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