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Alexandra Palace Allotments Association


One-hour practical sessions continue to be offered every year, in Spring and Autumn, to share ideas about

  • soil management, soil conditioners, crop-specific fertilisers
  • making trouble-free compost and using it

Where: the Top Shed, beside the car park.

NEXT WORKSHOP: Watch for date by email and on site noticeboards. Usually held on a Saturday or Sunday.

With limited space, we can accommodate a maximum of 10 participants. If necessary, an additional workshop may be offered early the same afternoon.

The response from participants is always very positive, and places fill quickly.

Here is a report from the first workshop in 2014. This was a special 'launch' occasion - refreshments aren't available normally - sorry!

A report on the Spring 2014 workshop

On Saturday morning 26 April 2014, Peter Campbell and Sally Chubb ran a first-ever APAA workshop about ways to improve the texture of the heavy, London clay-type soil found on most Ally Pally allotments.

Using soil samples and perennial weed specimens, Peter suggested ways of making soil texture and structure easier for roots to grow in, while also providing all the food that plants need. Sally then described how to make good compost, fully illustrated with samples of compost ingredients and final results of 4 kinds (standard compost, leafmould, well-rotted wood-chips, a special compost made purely from pernicious weeds). Pamela Harling assisted Sally.

Refreshments were provided by Annie Elliot-Evans - a delicious cake  - and Nigel - scrummy flapjacks, to accompany coffees and teas. This wasn't formal, classroom-style training. It was a hands-on (if you wanted!) session of about an hour, sharing practical ideas that can readily be implemented on the plot.


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