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Alexandra Palace Allotments Association


6 July 2014

Site Secretary's Report



The waiting list is 194 including, now, 5 "Long List" people who have come to the top and will contact me when they are ready to take a plot. I ask them to renew their interest annually. Excluding those 5, the list has moved 25 places since my last report. I am now on March 2006. 10 people from the waiting list and 1 from the long list have taken plots, so there has been a wastage of 15, of whom some no longer want a plot, some have moved away. I have one vacant plot at the moment so the contacting process begins again. We have 150 plots altogether, ranging from 250 sq m to 75 sq m in size.

We welcome these new tenants: Lizzy Crewe , Anthony & Tangjie Ward, Christine Heath, Jill Ellis, Roland Ward in Alexandra Park, Joanna Kelly, Alberta Gutteridge & Shona Golightly in the Nursery and Jeremy Traynor in Grove Lodge Meadow.

There are also three probationers who will shortly come to the end of their trial period. 


There has been a certain amount of pilfering but no major break-in. In September, metal frames were taken from the bee plot,and a row of potatoes from plot 5 The Nursery. Bags of compost, unplanted roses, attractive paving stones, unpicked fruit, ripening onions can all be removed, not always by outsiders. Don't leave anything you value lying around and net crops if you can.  The council got a quote of £1,677.00 for a metal insert to strengthen the main gate. Since it would still be possible to get in with a pair of bolt cutters it doesn't seem worth it. However, we have done our best to make it difficult to climb into the site and I'm concerned that a path has been cleared through the brambles to the fence on the left as you go down to the bottom gate.


We continue to employ Pete Oliver to keep back the foliage along the top path. Peter Falzon cleared it back even further and this is a width I would like to maintain. Graham Thompson supplied some paving stones for the boggy area by the top gate and Tommy Amooty laid them. Thanks to all three of them.

We are fortunate to have Colin Roberts to deal with plumbing and are grateful for his gift of a new tap and tank beside the top shed. 

The oak in the Nursery has been pruned and potentially dangerous dead wood has been removed from the one in the car park. A dead elm was taken away from Grove Lodge Meadow and the oak on plot 22 Grove Lodge Meadow will be pruned very soon.

The two annual rubbish collections went off successfully, the last one involving four men and three lorry loads. Much heavy metal was removed - where are the metal thieves when you need them? However, it continues to amaze the committee that so many allotment holders fail to understand the meaning of "no plant matter". If you don't know what a plant is by now...........

Here endeth my report.



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