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Getting here

Location, transport and accessibility

The allotments site has two entrances:

(a) Main Gates

Postcode: N8 7HP.

Our main entrance, which is the only vehicle entrance, is at the foot of Alexandra Palace Way, on the left if you are facing uphill towards the Palace, just past the entrance to the Buckingham Lodge flats building at the start of Alexandra Palace Way. The entrance is a pair of black, metal, 2 metre high gates opposite the Safestore storage building (postcode: N8 7HP) and the west (Hornsey) gate of Alexandra Park.

(b) Top gate

Our top gate is located between the AP Garden Centre entrance (postcode: N22 7BB) and the footpath to Springfield AvenueIt is a wooden gate in the park boundary wooden fence. The fence is set back from the road and footpath behind trees. This gate is a short distance downhill from the Grove car park, and roughly level with the W3 bus stops on Alexandra Palace Way.

Accessibility: For those on foot, the road from the main gate inside the allotments goes steeply then more gently uphill to about two thirds of the way through the allotment site. The road ends in our small car park. Note that there is no vehicle access on first Sundays until around 4pm, nor at all on the day of our Plant Sale.

For those on foot, there is level access from our Top Gate on a reasonably firm although sometimes uneven path to the car park where our Allotment Shop and Community Shed are located and the Plant Sale is held.

Buses: For entrance via the main gate, buses 144 & W3 stop nearby on Priory Road at the 'Park Road' stop, and bus W7 at the 'Priory Road' stop also known as the 'Victoria Stakes' (pub) stop. For the top gate, take bus W3 to the 'Alexandra Palace Garden Centre' stop. Note that all of these stops are paired with the same names in each direction. Bus 144 links Muswell Hill via Turnpike Lane and Wood Green tube stations to Edmonton Green. Bus W3 links Alexandra Palace south to Finsbury Park via Crouch End and east to Wood Green tube station and Tottenham High Road.

Car: For the main entrance, there are a small number of free public parking spaces opposite the main gates outside the Hornsey gates of Alexandra Park. These are accessible at all hours. but usually not on Sundays when there is likely to be a Farmers' Market in the park near the Hornsey gate to about 4pm, or if there's a large show in the Palace.

For the top gate, free parking is available close by in the Grove car park accessible from 7am to 7pm (every day, same times all year). Note that the Grove car park may be full if there is an event at AP. If you are travelling uphill on Alexandra Palace Way from the large junction at the foot of Muswell Hill, the entrance to the Grove car park is on your left, just past the AP Garden Centre. If you are travelling from the east side of the park (Wood Green), go past the Palace, past the Palm Court bus stand island on the right at the end of the Palace, follow the road about 100 metres as it curves left and starts to descend, and the entrance to the Grove car park is on the right.


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